美术指导 12-15k
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带薪年假 午餐补助 弹性工作 五险一金 发展空间大 公司规模大
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广州市达生市场推广有限公司上海分公司 · 广州市达生市场推广有限公司上海分公司
职责描述: 1. 负责项目平面创意设计,把握整体设计风格。 2. 准确理解客户及根据总监的要求,创意产出,完成设计方案。 3. 根据上级需求,协助上级进行跨部门沟通,推进协调工作,阐述创意方案。 4. 具备一定的领导能力,指导团队完成参与项目的比稿及提案。 5. 能够理解创意策略,具有商业传播思维。 任职要求: 1. 设计、美术或相关专业,专科以上学历,具有较高的艺术设计能力、审美观点和创新思维;丰富的平面设计经验且有成功的设计作品。 2. 至少三年以上平面广告公司相关工作经验,快消或相关行业者优先考虑。 3. 具有独特的设计理念,创意性思维, 表达能力强。 4. 积极主动,富于创新,勇于挑战,有很强的团队协作精神。 5. 熟练使用PS、AI等相关软件。 6. 需提供包括但不限于H5、creative post、digital banner,平面作品


VMLY&COMMERCE WPP is a creative transformation company. WPP creates transformative ideas and outcomes for its clients through an integrated offer of communications, experience, commerce and technology. At WPP we’re reinventing creativity on an ever-broader canvas, bringing together unrivalled talent, resources and skills to provide an integrated offer of communications, experience, commerce and technology for clients. Our agencies operate in 112 countries, working with clients including 348 of the Fortune Global 500, all 30 of the Dow Jones 30, 70 of the NASDAQ 100 and 69 of the FTSE 100. Communications We create powerful ideas based on deep insights to connect brands’ messaging with audiences in meaningful ways and channels at meaningful moments. Experience We build seamless experiences to make brands part of people’s lives – creating more memorable engagement and driving better business results. Commerce We make it easy for our clients to sell within the complex ecosystem of where and how their customers want to buy. Technology We leverage our global technology partnerships and unique scaled platforms and capabilities to build technology and data solutions fit for our clients’ needs. Our people, teams and agencies produce work of exceptional quality – work that wins awards not only for its artistry but, most importantly, for its effectiveness in delivering results for clients Mark Read Chief Executive Officer, WPP


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