初级农业种植技术员 薪资面议
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绩效奖金 带薪年假 午餐补助 弹性工作 节日礼物 扁平管理 岗位晋升 五险一金 子女福利 发展空间大
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  • 农业相关专业
职责描述: -负责基地莓果类作物的种植:病虫害防治、施肥灌溉、授粉、温度控制、农作物保护; -负责对基地农作物及生长进行详细的数据采集、记录备案; -指导种植、进行田间管理,同时优化种植、采收环节和安全卫生环节; -协助种植经理组织生产、管理工人、物资; -协助管理层与当地政府、村委及其他相关职位沟通、协调工作; -上级安排的其他与种植相关的工作; 岗位要求: -农林院校毕业,农学、植物保护、园艺、农艺等相关专业大专及以上学历 -学习能力强、具有钻研精神、个性积极主动、善于沟通 -吃苦耐劳,愿意从基层做起,工作认真细心、责任心强 -优秀的组织协调能力,能够为员工提供技术培训,管理和领导种植工人 -良好的英语听说读写能力 -有一年或以上科学种植相关经验者优先 工作地点:西双版纳勐海县勐遮镇


WHO IS HAYGROVE? We are proud to say Haygrove is a name increasingly recognized around the world as a leading innovator in berries in international fruit growing, in field scale polytunnels, and in crop growing systems. Founded in 1988 by the Chairman, Angus Davison, we are a profitable £80m+ business with berry farming enterprises in the UK, South Africa and Portugal; Growing Systems enterprises in Germany, USA, Mexico, Australia, Poland; and sales staff in a further 15+ countries. This breadth brings a wealth of opportunity. We take pride in being dynamic with strong values. We define success in human terms more than money. We seek “to constantly create opportunities for great people, (particularly those who have drawn the short straw)”, and to measure ourselves in a hard Triple Bottom Line manner (People, Profit, Planet). Listed in 2011 as in the fastest 500 companies in the EU in terms of growing employment, and in 2012 in the Sunday Times fastest growing in international sales in the UK, this business is complex, ambitious, and demands passion and determination. But it tries to offer the opportunity to exceed your wildest expectations. WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR? Successful future employees are self-starting with proven high energy while being calm and humble in character. They have an interest in how food is produced and a genuine desire to understand how Business can affect both People and the Planet. We are looking for driven, bright and innovative individuals across a number of disciplines both in the UK and internationally. WHAT ARE THE OPPORTUNITIES? A career at Haygrove is an opportunity to continuously learn and develop, building up the skills you will need to be a successful and passionate professional. Haygrove is committed to personal development and training, we look to promote excellent individuals with initiative and creativity – and are determined to become an employer of choice and by growing our future leaders from within.


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