质量经理 - 汽车零配件 28-35k
南京 10年以上 本科
郑先生 3小时前在线
合伙人 · 江苏北沂网络科技有限公司
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Responsibilities: 1. Maintenance and Improvement of Quality Management Systems: Responsible for maintaining and continually improving quality management systems like ISO 9001,IATF 16949, ensuring processes and products meet international standards. 2. Product Quality Control and Audit: Oversee quality control during the manufacturing process, including inspections of raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods. 3. Team Management and Training: Lead the quality control team, regularly train employees on quality awareness and skills. 4. Customer Complaint Handling and Improvement Measures: Investigate and address customer quality complaints, develop and implement corrective actions. 5. Supplier Quality Management: Collaborate with suppliers to ensure that products in the supply chain meet quality requirements. 6. Quality Data Analysis and Reporting: Regularly analyze quality data and provide reports and improvement suggestions to senior management. 7. Risk Management and Prevention: Identify potential risks in the production process, develop preventive measures to reduce quality incidents. 8. Development and Implementation of Continuous Improvement Plans: Responsible for developing and implementing plans aimed at improving the quality of products and processes. 9. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Ensure all products and processes comply with relevant legal, regulatory, and industry standards. 10. Cross-departmental Collaboration: Work closely with R&D, production, procurement, and other departments to drive quality improvements. Requirements: 1. Bachelor’s degree or higher in Engineering, Quality Management, or a related field. 2. Minimum of 10 years of quality management experience in the automotive parts industry. 3. Proficiency in quality management systems like ISO 9001. 4. Excellent team management and communication skills. 5. Strong data analysis and problem-solving abilities. 6. Familiarity with automotive industry standards and regulations. 7. Good command of English for effective communication.


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