FRM Expert 薪资面议
惠州 5-10年 统招本科
五险一金 岗位晋升 技能培训 管理规范 带薪年假 午餐补助 定期体检 年底双薪 弹性工作 扁平管理
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岗位职责: 1. 负责Android 新功能及运营商新需求的预研、评估及实现。 Responsible for Android’s new features and operator’s requirement pre-study evaluation and realization. 2. 负责Android智能手机中间层相关问题分析、解决。 Responsible for android smart phone framework related problem analysis and bug fix. 3. 负责Android智能手机HAL层到Application Framework跨模块相关问题分析。 Responsible for android smart phone cross-module (from HAL to Application framework) related problems analysis. 岗位要求: 1. 计算机、软件及通信相关专业本科以上学历,良好的英语读写能力及一定的英语口语能力。本科8年以上,研究生6年以上手机软件开发经验。 Computer/Software Engineer/Telecom related specialty,bachelor or above degree. Good at English reading and writing, and have some capability in spoken English. 8 years or more for bachelor degree and 6 years or more for graduate degree in mobile phone software development experience. 2. 熟悉Android Framework工作原理,熟悉Android 中间层相关模块(如ART/PMS/AMS/WMS等)。5年以上手机Framework相关模块的开发经验。 Familiar with Android Framework, and familiar with android framework related modules( such as ART/PMS/AMS/WMS etc.). 5 years or more experience in mobile phone framework related software development. 3. 熟悉Linux开发环境,熟悉NDK,JNI开发。 Familiar with Linux Development Environment and Technology, and familiar with NDK, JNI Development. 4. 熟悉Java语言,有一定的C/C++基础。有良好的程序分析、设计能力。 Familiar with Java language, and have some base in C/C++ language. Good at program analysis and design.


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