Internal Communication 20-40k
合肥-包河区 5-10年 本科
张女士 一周前在线 已认证
岗位要求: 1.Develop the internal communication and engagement strategy, ensuring the organization’s mission, values, initiatives and news are communicated in a regular, considered, effective and engaging way. 2.Manage and create engaging content for the internal channels (intranet, email, in-person events, virtual events etc.) and regularly evaluate the efficiency of the channels, making continuous improvement. 3.Manage the planning and delivery of both virtual and in-person all-staff events, town halls and regional events. 4.Ensure that staff across all offices are actively engaged and feel included in the organization’s work, embedding DSSO culture, shared brand values and help the organization speak with common voice. 5.Build feedback mechanisms into the internal communications strategy to facilitate staff feedback – use input to further evolve strategy. 6.Ensure internal communications is considered and handled in a sensitive and timely fashion linked to key external announcements. 7.Provide clear and effective communication in response to crisis or emergency situations to reassure and guide staff. 8.Work closely with the HR team, social committee and other colleagues to support the culture work stream to form a unified organization, embed culture, shared brand value and help speak one voice. 9.Advise senior executives of developments throughout the organization, either face to face or through regular written communication. 10.A BA in journalism, communications, public relations or marketing is an advantage, though other degrees are often acceptable. 11.Experience in a communications team, especially internal communication, for a large organization, is most sought after., experience of writing for a variety of different audiences is also desired. 任职要求: 1.Excellent writing, editing skills in Chinese and English, the journalistic ability to source stories from employees. 2. Speaking skills: sensitivity to an organization’s goals and values and the ability to relay them to employees 3. Interpersonal skills: good interpersonal and relationship-building skills in order to work with communications and HR departments, possess the confidence to deal with senior executives and explain to them. 4. Creative skills: the creative ability to devise communication strategies Digital, Familiarity with digital and video means of comm.




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