商用车底盘工程师 20-40k
上海-长宁区 3-5年 本科
刘先生 一周前在线 已认证
车辆技术总监 · 西井科技
  • 设计开发
  • 系统开发
  • 结构设计
  • 结构件
  • 转向系统
  • 商用车
  • 新能源汽车
职责描述: 负责新能源商用车底盘结构件开发 负责换电系统、自动甩挂系统等相关结构件开发 负责车桥、悬架及转向等底盘系统开发 解决相关产品质量,工艺和售后问题; 任职要求: 汽车、机械及自动化相关专业本科及以上学历; 3年及以上商用车底盘系统结构件开发工作经验; 熟悉新能源商用车底盘结构和设计理论,对整车APQP开发流程熟悉; 能够独立完成系统设计方案和相关计算,独立完成零部件3D数据和二维图纸的制作 熟练使用CATIA、AUTOCAD等设计软件, 英语能进行日常沟通、交流,并阅读汽车相关资料和文献; 良好的沟通能力及团队协作能力。 收起


上海西井科技股份有限公司(简称西井科技WESTWELL),致力于以人工智能激活多产业潜能,做全球智能服务业的开疆者。西井科技是目前为止中国首批基于正向自研无人驾驶重卡的公司,也是在全球范围商业交付无人驾驶车辆及系统超过数百套规模的公司,场景已覆盖海港、陆港、制造工厂等货运物流,产品及服务已落地全球18个国家和地区,服务160余家客户。 秉持“取智于人,赋能予人From Human To Human”的企业哲学,西井科技凭借独特的应用场景理解能力,已形成以WellOcean®(海港)、铁路枢纽、陆港、空港、工厂等代表的大物流领域多场景智能解决方案,通过Qomolo®(新能源无人驾驶及智能商用车),用运力串联起各生产要素的运营与流转,并通过构建Loopo®(数字化生产要素流转互联平台),从生产节点、贸易流程等环节,为终端用户创造更高效并可持续的生产力价值。 Shanghai Westwell Technology Co., Ltd (“Westwell”) is committed to activating the potential of various industries through artificial intelligence, and to be the industry pioneer of global intelligent services. Westwell has been the leading company to independently develop autonomous heavy trucks, and also the company to deliver hundreds of autonomous vehicles and sets of autonomous driving systems commercially worldwide. Westwell’s products and services cover most freight logistics scenarios, such as seaports, dry ports, manufacturing plants, spanning 160-plus clients in 18 countries and regions around the world. Adhering to the company’s Value Concept “From Human to Human” and through its extraordinary insights, Westwell has developed multi-scenario intelligent solutions for the bulk logistics fields, including seaports (dedicated seaport solution — WellOcean®), railway hubs, dry ports, airports, and factories, etc. With Qomolo® (our autonomous new energy commercial vehicle brand), Westwell connects operation and circulation within various production factors with transport capacity. With the launch of Loopo® (our digital interconnection platform for production factors), Westwell is capable of delivering more efficient and sustainable productivity value for end users in every sector, such as production nodes and trading flow, etc.


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