外贸业务 8-15k
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人力资源经理/主管 · 国泰国盛
  • 服装外贸
  • 外贸跟单
  • 服装
1、服装类订单及相关资料的翻译,订单跟踪与对接; 2、日常与客户以及供应商的沟通,订单前期各类打样工作的安排; 3、负责订单的跟进,面料/辅料的确认及采购、供应商生产安排等等。 岗位要求: 1、相关岗位1年以上经验,本科以上学历,专业不限; 2、英语熟练,口语有一定基础,熟练使用常用办公软件; 3、工作踏实细致,积极主动,具有一定的沟通能力与亲和力。 4、本岗位未来根据公司发展需要,可以接受工作安排调整。 我们欢迎来国泰工作的人群,交通便捷,公司提供免费住宿或租房补助,创造放心温馨的工作环境,完善的培训体系与薪酬考核机制。你能,无限可能!


江苏国泰国盛实业有限公司是江苏国泰国际集团股份有限公司(股票代码:002091)骨干成员企业之一,以进出口贸易为主业,主要经营各类服装、面料等的出口业务及相关进口业务。 公司成立于2016年12月,注册资本人民币6000万元,前身是成立于1998年的江苏国泰国际集团国贸股份有限公司服装分公司。2016年底,国泰集团实施整体上市,原国贸股份改革重组成功,以服装出口为主体的服装分公司及其下属的服装、水洗工厂组建成江苏国泰国盛实业有限公司。经过近几年发展,公司已经形成立足张家港,辐射全球的集服装研发、设计、打样、生产、出口一条龙的大型工贸一体全球化的专业服装供应商。 公司坚持秉承“以立足成为一流服装生产企业、以不断满足客户需求”经营理念,以“助力员工成长、帮助员工成才”为人才使命,开拓创新,锐意进取,以专业的技术、优质的产品、一流的服务、包容的平台为客户、员工与社会创造价值,不断实现新的发展跨越。 Jiangsu Guotai Guosheng Co., Ltd. is one of the key member companies of Jiangsu Guotai International Group Co., Ltd. (Its Stock Code 002091). It is mainly engaged in the export and import business of all kinds of garments, fabrics and so on. The company was established in December 2016 with a registered capital of 60 Million RMB. Before then, it was a big business department of Jiangsu Guotai International Group Guomao Co., Ltd which was established in 1998. At the end of 2016, Jiangsu Guotai International Group applied for overall listing with Guomao Company reformed and restructured by combining the garment business departments and its subordinate manufacturing factories and washing plants and thus forming into an independent company-- Jiangsu Guotai Guosheng Co., Ltd. Through several years of development, nowadays the company has become a professional apparel supplier based in Zhang Jiagang and reaching to the globe, with a great ability of integrating production and sales including apparel R&D, design, sampling, manufacturing and shipment. With the mission of "helping employees grow and be better", the Guotai Guosheng company adheres to its business philosophy of "being a first-rated garment manufacturer and keep meeting customer needs", always strives for innovation, and wishes to create value for customers, employees and society with its professional technology, high-quality products, first-rated service, inclusive platform, and constantly achieve new development leaps.


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1. 如您发现平台内招聘方存在以下违规行为的,请立即举报
  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
  • f. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
2. 如您应聘的岗位属于涉外劳务合作/海外岗位的,请务必核实招聘方对外劳务合作资质取得情况,同时注意自身资金安全,防范招聘欺诈。


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