少儿英语老师 8-12k
北京-朝阳区 1-3年 统招本科
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合伙人 · 思的教育
  • 英语
  • 教授
岗位职责: 根据学校教学体系,中外教结合负责教授3-18岁幼儿、少儿、青少年的英语教学工作 参与学校组织的各种培训及英语教研活动不断提高英语教学水平,提供专业的学习建议 与学生、家长、班主任之间保持密切积极的沟通,及时了解家长对英语教育的理解和需求,保证学生学习成果 任职要求: 本科以上学历,主修英语,英语基础扎实,口语标准流利 喜欢孩子,有爱心,热爱教育事业,并致力于投身教育事业 形象好、气质佳,性格开朗,亲和力强,良好的沟通能力和团队协作意识 责任感强,有主动学习意愿,乐于接受先进的教学模式和教学理念,不断进行自我完善 If you are a serious, committed ESL teacher who wants to help each and every child to be the best they can, not only in the English language, but as global citizens, then we want to hear from you. And you probably would like to hear from us. We expect a passion for learning and teaching, teamwork, sharing and responsibility. We offer a competitive package, great working colleagues, real satisfaction, a chance to help our students develop and grow; and the opportunity to grow yourself. WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR? You are serious about education and have a high expectation for yourself and want to develop professionally. You are a great communicator who listens carefully and thinks deeply about what is said. You are curious about other cultures and enjoy working in a multicultural environment. It is preferred that you are interested in psychology. We are not only teaching English, but we also strive to develop the whole child. It is an advantage if that you are interested in music. We have a student choir that performs regularly. We are looking for curious and creative individuals, people who are interested in pursuing wisdom through life's experiences. We are constantly growing ourselves through learning, you will fit in perfectly if you have a love for reading and reflecting on this journey called life. SPECIAL NOTES: The schools' owner has worked in this industry for well over a decade. She is dedicated to making education right in China and is not solely profit-driven like so many other schools. The team comes first and in return this has made Seed Education successful. You will not able to find another school that takes care of its people as much as we do. The entrie teaching team is very stable and turnover is low. We are an authorized Examination Center for Cambridge English and can administer tests such as the TKT for teachers and the First Certificate in English (FCE) and Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) for students.
所属部门:Academic Department


Seed思的英语在2012年由一只行业资深团队打造(2012年收购哈尔滨托浦英语,与哈尔滨托浦英语系同一家机构)。我们以儿童心理学为基础,结合家庭教育以及世界前沿的儿童英语教育领域的研究,在近7年间,打造了系统的青少儿英语教育体系,数以千计的孩子获得了英语学习的成功,激发了巨大的潜能。 我们虽然依然是一家年轻的机构,但是我们拥有一支背景资深、“以教育为信仰”的团队。核心团队成员有心理学学位、语言硕士、国际教育硕士、三一学院高段语言专家资质,并都拥有十几、二十年的一线教学经验。托浦英语将剑桥大学外语考试部MSE及TKT考点引入黑龙江省。于2015年引进剑桥大学出版社研发的“颠覆性”的小学教材——剑桥GLOBAL国际小学课程,并且召开了新闻发布会。 我们坚信好的教育要靠优秀的团队来实现,Seed的教师团队均考取剑桥TKT证书,并且每年接受英国文教处“教师发展项目培训”。在心理学方面,我们邀请到中国科学院心理所的专家们为我们培训,以保证我们时刻了解儿童心理发展的前沿研究。 值得一提的是,思的教育的“向日葵英文童声合唱团”持续举办专场英文童声合唱音乐会,获得家长追捧。


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