丽晶集团位于惠州市惠阳区,旗下有新丽晶大酒店和丽景国际花园酒店两间酒店。 丽景花园酒店位于广东省惠阳淡水的黄金地段,是集商务、度假于一体的东南亚园林式休闲酒店,交通便利,距大亚湾10公里,距惠州30公里,距深圳45公里。2006年被评为国家四星级酒店。酒店每年接待国内宾客20000人次,接待外国宾客8000人次。 如果说细致、宁静、清洁是我们的格调,那么,精益求精、精品至上就是我们的宗旨,打造“精品”也就是我们为之而奋斗的共同目标。酒店一直以严格的管理和优质的服务,迎接来自五湖四海的宾朋! Legend hotel is located at the prime area of Huiyang, Guangdong province, where convenient traffic, 10 kilometers away from daya bay, 30 kilometers away from Huizhou, 45 kilometers away from Shenzhen. It decorated with Southeast Asian garden style, combined with business and leisure. Be rated national four-star hotel in 2006. Reception the domestic guests 20000 each year, reception the foreign guests 8000 each year. Carefulness, serene, cleaning is our manner, and then our tenet will be make perfection more perfect and Quality is uppermost. Our common goal is creating a ‘high-quality’ standard of service. The hotel is willing to welcome friends from all over the world with the strict management and high quality services!